Tuesday, 27 October 2009

I am fed up of being mugged!

I almost got mugged again yesterday! In Reading. The usual team of three nonchalantly wandering down a wide pavement, spread out as if just wandering aimlessly, near the disabled parking zone. I was standing next to my car smoking a cigarette when one darted towards the handbag hanging on my shoulder. I swung round as you do, pulled the bag under my arm and watched as he nodded to me that he had missed that time and crossed the road. Why do the police not target those people who target disabled people? You would think a team of plain clothed PCs could set up a way of catching them red handed just by parking an old car with a blue badge and have a lady with walking stick get out and look a bit vulnerable as if she could not run after a snatched bag.
Muggers usually work in a team of three, one to keep watch, one to mark and one to do the thieving, and I assume they work together to get what they want from a bag and then dispose of it and use the proceeds. Police would need a team of four to round them up, with an old car and a blue badge.
I am fed up of being mugged!

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