Friday, 7 May 2010

Electoral reform was rejected yesterday.

The only party that presented a policy of proportional representation instead of first past the post was the Liberal Democrats and they were hammered at the polls on May 6th. It is very odd the day after the electorate gave their garbled answer that the issue that will allow us to have a stable government is the one that lost its party so much. It is clear this country wants the policies of the Liberal Democrats less than they want those of the others and yet the merchandise Mr Brown, present leader of the Labour Party, is offering in exchange for a coalition with the Liberal Democrats is the already shunned Proportional Representation. Being worst has made Nick Clegg into the “kingmaker”. And the most favoured bargaining chip is one of the least favoured policies, PR.

That is not democracy as we knew it and desire to keep it. And if we do adopt PR we will have to stomach endless least favoured options of the same ilk.

We need to hold another election and to get it done right this time; no more running out of ballot papers, no more locking people who want to vote out of the polling station for lack of a proper management in place. The senior person in the polling station should have known about the need for speed and for extra staff and have been able to get those staff from less busy stations, as happened in most of the country. There should be no more unequal constituency numbers – they should all be the same size constructed on the basis of the last completed electoral roll, not the last census as it is now.

It could be said that the little hopeless parties promoting a single issue be excluded from this one next snap election to make it fairer, faster and more decisive as the nation requires but only for the one emergency election.

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